
Okarin is embarrasing himself.


Hello, I’m Anthony, friendly neighbourhood shut-in. Currently entering my 3rd/4th year of uni. Biology student, in the UK.

I’m also probably crazy, and chances are I’ll be forced to drop out, one point or another when I finally snap under all this neurotic pressure. I find this prospect delightful. >_<

It’s the summer holidays, and once again I am left alone for 3 months, unemployable with no real friends or money. It is during this period of time that my usual routines and habits go all out of whack, and for some (partially) unknown reason, the time I spend watching anime increases exponentially, right up until I become depressed and/or borderline comatose.

I had no intention of making this an “anime blog”, but I really cannot think of anything to talk about. I do not write much outside of lab reports, so my reviews probably suck, but getting things out there apparently helps to prevent a sudden and catastrophic loss of sanity.

So, world, I apologise for this blight on the internet, but it has to be done. Reader, I have no idea what compelled you to come here but you have my gratitude. If you know me in real life, you have my love and adoration. Just by reading, know that you have done me a great service.

Love and Peace

Love and Peace

Minor request: If you spot any broken links or video’s please let me know so I can fix them up.

2 Responses to “About”

  1. Namida_Kudasaki Says:

    Hey Eva! 🙂

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